Servo Ballscrew Units
Servo ballscrew units. Programmability. Make off-sets for tool depths, rpm changes from the screen. Use them for drilling or tapping. AC motor for the spindle or servo. You specify the motor being used, we install the plates and pulleys accordingly. Mount in any direction. The most versatile units.

Setup: 8301 with direct drive servo, 2 axis with ER Collet spindle
Model 8300
- 3″ stroke
- 2.375 quill diameter
- 2.500″ center height
- 600# thrust
- 7200 rpm( STD.)
- .01 to 200 ipm
- 600 lb-in torque
- Repeats to .0005″
Download the files to your computer and open them with the appropriate software.
Setup: 8400 unit, sliding spindle support, 40 taper spindle, and overhead belt housing.
Model 8400
- 4″ stroke
- 1800# thrust
- 680 lb-in torque (std.)
- 1500 lb-in torque (optional high torque “HT”)
- Ready for 12mm over-travel and home switches
- Various spindle noses
Download the files to your computer and open them with the appropriate software.
Setup: 8600 unit with 40 taper spindle and extended belt housing
Model 8600
- 6″ stroke, 1800# thrust
- 680 lb-in torque (std.)
- 1500 lb-in torque (optional high torque “HT”)
- Ready for 12mm over-travel and home switches
- Various belt / pulleys / motor arrangements
- Various spindle noses, mount in any orientation
Download the files to your computer and open them with the appropriate software.
Setup: 8100 unit with guide bar support, overhead belthousing, and heavy motor support.
Model 8100
- 10″ stroke
- 1800# thrust
- 680 lb-in torque (std.)
- 1500 lb-in torque (optional high torque “HT”)
- Ready for 12mm over-travel and home switches
- Various spindle noses
Download the files to your computer and open them with the appropriate software.
Setup: 8700 Servo Ballscrew Unit with 40 taper and extended belt housing.
Model 8700
- 7″ stroke, 4 1/2″ center height
- 4500# thrust, 1 1/2″ steel drill capacity
- 3500 lbs-in torque
- Ready for 12mm over-travel and home switches
- Various belt / pulleys / motor arrangements
- Various spindle noses, mount in any orientation,
Download the files to your computer and open them with the appropriate software.